Research Highlights

Research Highlights

Great progress in the research and development of efficient Hydrogen-Bond-Driven catalyst

Prof. Eric Meggers, who obtained the “Thousand Talents Plan”, as well as his team made great progress in the research and development of efficient Hydrogen-Bond-Driven catalyst. The achievement titl...

Surface and interface control of noble metal nanocrystals for catalytic and electrocatalytic applications

Title : Surface and interface control of noble metal nanocrystals for catalytic and electrocatalytic applications Author : Wu, BH; Zheng, NF NANO TODAY, 8(2), 168-197, APR 2013 http://www.scie...

Off/On Fluorescent Chemosensors for Organotin Halides Based on Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes

Title : Off/On Fluorescent Chemosensors for Organotin Halides Based on Binuclear Ruthenium Complexes Author : Niu, YF; Han, FF; Zhang, Q; Xie, TW; Lu, L; Li, SH; Xia, HP ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERN...

Geminal Tetraauration of Acetonitrile: Hemilabile-Phosphine-Stabilized Au8Ag4 Cluster Compounds

Title : Geminal Tetraauration of Acetonitrile: Hemilabile-Phosphine-Stabilized Au8Ag4 Cluster Compounds Author : Pei, XL; Yang, Y; Lei, Z; Wang, QM JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 135(...

p-n Heterojunction photoelectrodes composed of Cu2O-loaded TiO2 nanotube arrays with enhanced photoelectrochemical and photoelectrocatalytic activities

Title : p-n Heterojunction photoelectrodes composed of Cu2O-loaded TiO2 nanotube arrays with enhanced photoelectrochemical and photoelectrocatalytic activities Author : Wang, MY ; Sun, L ; Lin, ZQ...