Research Highlights

Research Highlights

[Chem. Soc. Rev.] Prof. Jian-Feng Li published a paper entitled “Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy”

Title: Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopyAuthor: Jian-Feng Li,* Chao-Yu Li and Ricardo F. Aroca* Abstract:Fluorescence spectroscopy with strong emitters is a remarkable tool with ult...

[J. Am. Chem. Soc.] Prof. Cheng Wang & Prof. Wenbin Lin published a paper entitled “Exciton Migration and Amplified Quenching on Two-Dimensional Metal−Organic Layers”

Title: Exciton Migration and Amplified Quenching on Two-Dimensional Metal−Organic LayersAuthor: Lingyun Cao, Zekai Lin, Wenjie Shi, Zi Wang, Cankun Zhang, Xuefu Hu, Cheng Wang*, and Wenbin Lin* ...

[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Prof. Yandong Zhang published a paper entitled “Total Synthesis of Aplydactone by a Conformationally Controlled C−H Functionalization”

Title: Total Synthesis of Aplydactone by a Conformationally Controlled C−H FunctionalizationAuthor: Chenguang Liu, Renzhi Chen, Yang Shen, Zhanhao Liang, Yuhui Hua, Prof. Dr. Yandong Zhang* Abs...

[ACS nano] Prof. Quanfeng Dong published a paper entitled “Co4N Nanosheets Assembled Mesoporous Sphere as a Matrix for Ultrahigh Sulfur Content Lithium−Sulfur Batteries”

Title: Co4N Nanosheets Assembled Mesoporous Sphere as a Matrix for Ultrahigh Sulfur Content Lithium−Sulfur BatteriesAuthor: Ding-Rong Deng, Fei Xue, Yue-Ju Jia, Jian-Chuan Ye, Cheng-Dong Bai, Mi...

Reaction kineticsstudies usingsingle-moleculebreak junction technique published in Nature Communications

Prof. Wenjing Hong’s group, in collaboration with researcher in University of Bern and University of Copenhagen, published a joint paperentitled “Single-molecule detection of dihydroazulene photo-th...

[Nature Communications] Progress in insitu Raman Study of Heterogeneous Catalysis

Recently, new progress about the in situ Raman study of heterogeneous catalysis has been achieved by the cooperation among Prof. Jian-Feng Li’s, Prof. Bing-Hui Chen’s and Prof. Gang Fu’s groups fro...