Research Highlights

Research Highlights

[Nature Nanotechnology] Ultraviolet interlayer excitons in bilayer WSe2

Ultraviolet interlayer excitons in bilayer WSe2Authors: Kai-Qiang Lin*, Paulo E. Faria Junior, Ruven Hübner, Jonas D. Ziegler, Jonas M. Bauer, Fabian Buchner, Matthias Florian, Felix Hofmann, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jaroslav Fabian, Alexander Steinhoff, Alexey Chernikov, Sebastian Bange & John M. Lupton L...

[Advanced Materials] Lattice Engineering on Li2CO3-Based Sacrificial Cathode Prelithiation Agent for Improving the Energy Density of Li-Ion Battery Full-Cell

Lattice Engineering on Li2CO3-Based Sacrificial Cathode Prelithiation Agent for Improving the Energy Density of Li-Ion Battery Full-CellAuthors: Yuanlong Zhu, Yilong Chen, Jianken Chen, Jianhua Yin, Zhefei Sun, Guifan Zeng, Xiaohong Wu, Leiyu Chen, Xiaoyu Yu, Haiyan Luo, Yawen Yan, Haitang Zhang, Baodan Zhang, Xiaox...

[Angewandte Chemie International Edition] Implanting Transition Metal into Li2O-Based Cathode Prelithiation Agent for High-Energy-Density and Long-Life Li-Ion Batteries

Implanting Transition Metal into Li2O-Based Cathode Prelithiation Agent for High-Energy-Density and Long-Life Li-Ion BatteriesAuthors: Yilong Chen, Yuanlong Zhu, Wenhua Zuo, Xiaoxiao Kuai, Junyi Yao, Baodan Zhang, Zhefei Sun, Jianhua Yin, Xiaohong Wu, Haitang Zhang, Yawen Yan, Huan Huang, Lirong Zheng, Juping Xu, We...

[Nature Communications] Confined Cu-OH single sites in SSZ-13 zeolite for the direct oxidation of methane to methanol

Confined Cu-OH single sites in SSZ-13 zeolite for the direct oxidation of methane to methanolAuthors: Hailong Zhang, Peijie Han, Danfeng Wu, Congcong Du, Jiafei Zhao, Kelvin H. L. Zhang, Jingdong Lin, Shaolong Wan, Jianyu Huang, Shuai Wang*, Haifeng Xiong* & Yong Wang*Link:

[ACS Nano] Clarifying the Temperature-Dependent Lithium Deposition / Stripping Process and the Evolution of Inactive Li in Lithium Metal Batteries

Clarifying the Temperature-Dependent Lithium Deposition / Stripping Process and the Evolution of Inactive Li in Lithium Metal BatteriesAuthors: Mingming Tao, Xiaoxuan Chen, Hongxin Lin, Yanting Jin, Peizhao Shan, Danhui Zhao, Mingbin Gao, Ziteng Liang, and Yong Yang*Link:

[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Preserving Structurally Labile Peptide Nanosheets After Molecular Functionalization of the Self-Assembling Peptides

Preserving Structurally Labile Peptide Nanosheets After Molecular Functionalization of the Self-Assembling PeptidesAuthors: Xin Chen, Cai Xia, Pan Guo, Chenru Wang, Xiaobing Zuo, Yun-Bao Jiang, Tao Jiang*Link: