[Lecture] Iodine Reagents in Synthesis and Flow Chemistry

Publish Date:31.August 2016     Visted: Times       
【Title】Iodine Reagents in Synthesis and Flow Chemistry
【Speaker】Prof. Thomas Wirth
                      Cardiff University
【Time】2016-9-6 10:00
【Venue】Room 202, Lujiaxi Building
【Host】Prof. Haichao Xu

The development of catalytic reactions based on stoichiometric reactions using iodinebased reagents will be discussed. Novel chiral reagents and catalysts allow the easy synthesis ofversatile scaffolds as synthetic building blocks as well as applications towards total synthesis.Flow chemistry as enabling technology for synthesis will be introduced. The advantages ofincreased mixing of biphasic reaction mixtures in flow offers great potential compared to conventional flask techniques, especially when combined with microwave irradiation, sonication or phase transfer catalysis. Metal-catalyzed sequences can also be performed advantageously inbiphasic systems. Chemistry with hazardous compounds, the synthesis of PET-tracer molecules and the development of a microreactor for electrochemistry will be discussed.