Title: Toward unrivaled chromatographic resolving power: Design and development of comprehensive spatial three-dimensional liquid-phase separation technology
Time: 2024-10-24 10:40
Lecturer: Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Venue: Room 202, Lu-Jiaxi Building
Bio of Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink:
Sebastiaan Eeltink received his PhD degree in Chemistry in 2005 from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands for his dissertation “Packed and monolithic capillary columns for LC” (Promotor Prof. P.J. Schoenmakers). From 2005-2007 he conducted two years of post-doctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley, USA (Supervisors J.J. Fréchet and F. Svec) and he was a guest scientist at The Molecular Foundry in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Department of Energy funded Nanoscience Research Facility). Here, he developed novel column formats, including coated capillary columns and monolithic structures in microfluidic chips. The main application was proteomics research. In 2007 he joined Dionex (currently Thermo Fisher Scientific) a manufacturer of high-tech analytical instruments and served as a scientific consultant for this company till 2021. In 2009, Sebastiaan received the prestigious Odysseus award from the Research Foundation Flanders to establish his research group (eeltinklab.com) within the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. After 3 y, Eeltink was promoted from assistant to associate professor, and he is full professor since 2018. Eeltink is involved in the BSc and MSc teaching programs of the VUB and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and is vice-chair of the Doctoral Committee of the engineering Faculty.