Launching Ceremony of LIA Nano-BioCat Echem held in Xiamen

Publish Date:29.August 2016     Visted: Times       
On July 20, the Launching Ceremony of Associated International Laboratory (LIA) Nano-BioCat Echem was held in Jiageng Main Building of Xiamen University. Professor Chongshi Zhu, President of Xiamen University, Dr. AbdoMalac, Counsellor for Science and Technology of Embassy of France in China, Dr.Antoine Mynard, Director of the CNRS (The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) Office in China, four LIA co-Directors, Professor Christian Amatore ofEcole Normale Supérieure de Paris, Professor Zhongqun Tian of Xiamen University, Professor Philippe Hapiot of Université Rennes 1, Professor Daiwen Pang of Wuhan University, attended the launching and unveiling ceremony. Professor Shaobin Tan, Assistant President and Director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Professor Ye Wang, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Professor Yunbao Jiang, Dean of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Mr. Riquan Lai, Vice Director of Office of Science and Technology also presented in the ceremony.
Nano-BioCat Echem is a CNRS Associated International Laboratory (LIA). It is the extension of LIA XiamENS, the joint lab of CNRS, State Key laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces(Xiamen University) and UMR CNRS 8640"PASTEUR" lab (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris) which run from 2006 to 2014. The former joint lab made numbers of substantial achievements based on a series of interchange activities such as young staffs and graduates exchanges, bilateral symposiums, and the implementation of the international collaboration projects. And over 40 papers jointly were published in peer-reviewed journals, 4 patents were registered, and numbers of important lectures were made in international conferences which covered broad research areas of electrochemistry, bio-electrochemistry, microfluidics and nano sciences and technologies. With the very successful running of XiamENS, both French side and China side deemed it necessary to continue the collaborations under the framework of CNRS LIA and introduced two new engines, University of Rennes 1 and Wuhan University. Four Universities share common scientific interest. The lab expects to have strong-strong and complementary international collaborations. It is believed that under the framework of this new Nano-BioCat Echem lab, the newly formed four-part teams will work as one and emerge as a new star in the Nano-BioCat chemistry research areas.