Satellite Symposium of 16th International Congress on Catalysis (16th ICC) was held successfully in Xiamen University

Publish Date:29.August 2016     Visted: Times       

From 10th to 12th July 2016, the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS), Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM) and College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Xiamen University co-hosted the Satellite Symposium of 16th International Congress on Catalysis (16th ICC), an International Symposium on Catalytic Activation and Selective Conversion of Energy-Related Molecules.

The opening ceremony was held in Xiamen University Science and Arts Center on the morning of July 11th. President of the symposium, Prof. Ye Wang (Director of State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces) presided over the opening ceremony. Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (MCAS) Prof. Huilin Wan and the secretary of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Lin Hui also attended the opening ceremony. The delegates were from United States, France, Britain, Netherlands, Japan, and many other countries. Many domestic well- known experts in the field of catalysis (including MCAS and many outstanding young scientists) also attended the opening ceremony. Totally around one hundred and fifty people were present to attend this symposium.

The next two days, though there was warning of typhoon in Xiamen, the scholars from the globe came to the conference full of energy and showing high spirits. Among these scholars were Krijn P. de Jong (European Academy of Sciences), Christopher W. Jones (ACS  Catalysis Journal editor), Phillipe Sautet (French Academy of Sciences), Kiyotaka Asakura (Director of Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University, Japan), Mattew Neurock (Professor, University of Minnesota), Freek Kapteijn (Professor, Delft University of Technology) and Tetsuro Majima (Professor, Osaka University, Japan), etc.. These world’s top scientists presented 7 latest progress reports. In addition to these reports, 23 keynotes and 14 oral presentations were also presented on two parallel venues. Around 50 posters were displayed at poster exhibition of this conference.

The theme of this conference reflects the frontiers of modern catalysis: the catalytic activation and selective conversion of energy-related molecules had a direct correlation with the progress in science and technology in the area of the world energy, environmental protection, and chemical industry. This conference provided a platform for experts in related fields, professors, engineers, and entrepreneurs to exchange their knowledge internationally. Teachers and students from Xiamen University shared the latest research progress, new scientific research ideas, experiences and knowledge through this conference. It increased the reputation of Xiamen University internationally in the field of catalysis and promoted schools fame in various related fields. All participants of this conference highly appreciated it and praised it by using the words “Absolutely Fantastic”.