The bilateral chemistry symposium between University of Edinburgh and Xiamen University was successfully held

Publish Date:01.December 2016     Visted: Times       

The bilateral chemistry symposium between University of Edinburgh and Xiamen University was held in Xiamen University on November 25th, 2016. Foreign Experts including Prof. Neil Robertson (Chair of Molecular Materials) and Prof. Jason Love (Head of Inorganic Section) from University of Edinburgh have attended this symposium. Professors from Xiamen University including Prof. Bin Ren, Prof. NanfengZheng, Prof. HaichaoXu, Prof. Jun Cheng, and Prof. Longwu Ye were also attended.

The opening ceremony was presided by deputy dean Prof. Jun Li. The representative of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, deputy dean Prof. Youzhu Yuan gave the warm welcome to the professors from University of Edinburgh. The cooperation two schools would contribute greatly to the academic exchange, exchange visits and science advances, which could be delivered all over the world.

The symposium was held by Prof. Bin Ren, Dr. Uwe Schneider and other scholars by sections,addressed the research work in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and molecular materials. The lectures were presented in English to inspire the students from inside and outside of Xiamen University. At the end of this symposium, Prof. Neil Robertson summarized the symposium and appreciated the elaborate arrangement of this symposium by Xiamen University.

Yunbao Jiang, Dean of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, had a brief talks with the delegation from University of Edinburgh in Lujiaxi Building No. 215 on 26th. By successfully holding this symposium, it offereda better international platform for the young researchers.

The University of Edinburgh, founded in 1582, is ranked 19 in the world. Until now, University of Edinburgh and Xiamen University have made several cooperation in research work and talent cultivation by signing agreement on students exchange and joint supervision.