Prof. Nanfeng Zheng Awarded 2009 CCS-Wiley Young Chemist Paper Award

Publish Date:08.January 2010     Visted: 2840Times       
Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) announced the winners of "Chinese chemical society - John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company Young Chemist Paper Award" of the year 2009, Prof. Nanfeng Zheng was one of the two winners. The awarding ceremony will be held on June 20, 2010 at the opening ceremony of the 27th National Conference of the Chinese Chemical Society.
"CCS - Wiley Young Chemist Paper Award" rewards outstanding young scientists under the age of 35, aiming at strengthening the collaboration of Wiley and Chinese chemical society and encouraging young Chinese scientists to carry out innovative scientific research.
Prof. Nanfeng Zheng was born in April 1977.  He received his B.S. from the Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University in 1998. In 2005, he obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of California - Riverside with a thesis on the synthesis and characterization of chalcogenide nanoclusters and their superstructures. In 2005-2007, he was a postdoctoral research associate in Prof. Galen D. Stucky’s group at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California-Santa Barbara, studying the preparation and application of well-defined catalysts based on metal nanoparticles. In August 2007, he jointed Xiamen University as a chair professor. In 2009, he was granted as an Outstanding Young Investigator by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He also received Young Investigator Award from Division of Inorganic Chemistry, ACS in 2006 and a Silver Graduate Student Award from MRS in 2004.