The 7th International Conference on Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, TERS 7, co-sponsored by the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Xiamen University, the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Chemistry of Energy Materials was held at the Science and Art Center of Xiamen University on November 9-12, 2019. The first TERS conference was held by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in 2009, and has since been held in the United Kingdom (2011), Switzerland (2013), Brazil (2014), Japan (2015), and the United States (2017), which has attracted worldwide attention from the scientific and industrial communities. This is the first time that the series is held in China.
Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) is a combination of scanning probe microscope (SPM) technology and Raman spectroscopy technology. TERS technology can simultaneously obtain the morphological and chemical information of the sample surface. Because of its sub-nano-scale spatial resolution and detection sensitivity as low as a single molecule, it has been widely used in the fields of surface and interface research, materials, biology and electrochemistry in recent years. In recent years, under ultra-high vacuum and ultra-low temperature conditions, researchers have realized the spectral imaging of different vibration modes in a single molecule through TERS, and obtained sub-molecular-level spatial resolution, which further reflects the unique advantagesof TERS technology in chemical analysis from nanoscale to molecular scale.
This conference includes top scientists from related disciplines such as physics, chemistry and materials from 14 countries (USA, Brazil, Russia, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, UK, South Korea, Japan, Iran, France, Belgium, Spain and China). They exchanged ideas from different disciplines, from the basic principles of TERS, needle preparation, instrument method and system research, and discussed the frontiers of TERS technology development.This conference also invited experts in nano-IR and electroluminescence related to TERS to discuss the possibility of future integration and development in the field of nano-spectrum. This can promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between domestic and international counterparts in different fields.
The chairman of the conference, Professor BinRen, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He introduced the history and current situation of Xiamen University and the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Xiamen University to the participants, and specifically mentioned "Today is a special day for TERS. Twenty years ago on November 10, 1999, the world's first TERS paper was formally submitted. Today, 20 years later, we have witnessed the vigorous development of the TERS field".The conference continued the tradition of a single venue, setting up 10 keynote reports, 27 invitation reports, and 20 posters. The conference also organized an hour-long panel discussion on the future development of TERS technology, and the discussion was extremely enthusiastic.
In order to ensure fully academic exchanges among the participating experts, the organizers not only set aside enough time for discussion, but also carefully designed the atmosphere and environment for academic exchanges. Posters and instrument sponsor booths were set up in the same area as tea breaks to promote in-depth academic exchanges and explore the possibility of collaborative research. The organizing committee of the conference selected seven best poster awards, which were funded by the American Chemical Society. During the lunch break, Professor BinRen led the delegates to visit the laser spectroscopy laboratory to exchange instrument development and management experience.

At the closing ceremony, Professor BinRen announced that the 8th International Conference on Needlepoint Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy will be held in Paris, France. Professor Emmanuel Maisonhaute from Sorbonne University invited the participants to meet again in Paris, France two years later. The conference delegates spoke highly of the organization and academic level of this conference. Many participants expressed their hope for visiting Xiamen University for academic exchanges in the future.
After the meeting, Professor Ado Jorio from Brazil wrote: "It was a big pleasure meeting you all again. Bin and his crew did a really great job and the conference was a success." Professor Xiaoji Xu of the United States wrote: "Once again, I enjoy the TERS-7 conference very much! It is perfect. "Sergey Khrintzev of Russia wrote:" The TERS7 conference was perfectly organized by you. It was cool, indeed, in my experience it is the best conference. " Professor George Schatz, JPC Editor-in-chief, wrote: "The TERS7 meeting was incredible. The visit to Xiamen University was also terrific. You have an amazing environment, and also a great place to live."
The conference was strongly supported by companies such as Horiba JY, Renishaw, TELTEC, HÜBNER Photonics, NT-MDT, Ostec, NT-MDT Spectrum Instrument, Chroma, Unisoku, Nanjing Maita, Witec, Changchun New Industries and Scientaomicron, and American Analytical Chemistry.
(Translation: Yue Lei)