2021 RSC-XMU Emerging Investigator Forum held successfully

Publish Date:14.June 2021     Visted: 126Times       

Artificial intelligence is changing our lives. Through faster, smarter, and more creative automated research and big data analysis, artificial intelligence is redefining scientific research and reshaping the boundaries between different disciplines of science.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Xiamen University and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chemistry, more than 40 young people from major scientific research institutes across the country gathered at Xiamen University, to participate the 2021 Royal Society of Chemistry-Xiamen University Young Scholars Forum on May 21-23, 2021. RSC and XMU jointly launched a cutting-edge dialogue among artificial intelligence, chemistry and material science and a summit of interdisciplinary research.

This forum mainly consisted of two parts: research presentation and round table discussion. The forum was also live broadcasted on multiple media platforms. The forum contains three sub-themes: the design and discovery of materials assisted by machine learning, machine learning for catalysis and energy applications, and artificial intelligence applied to spectral analysis experts from the fields of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, materials science, physics, etc. shared their exploration in applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to chemistry and material science. In the round-table discussion, scholars focused on efficient data collection and critically analyzed opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence in chemistry and materials science.

This forum was co-sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University, and was jointly organized by the Fujian Energy Materials Science and Technology Innovation Laboratory (Tan Kah Kee Innovation Laboratory) and the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces. The chairman of the forum is Professor Nanfeng Zheng, Professor Cheng Wang from Xiamen University, and Professor Jinlong Gong from Tianjin University. The forum also received strong support from the Royal Society of Chemistry journals Chemical Science, Chemical Communications, and Chemical Society Reviews.