Title: Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Bioanalysis: Reliability
and Challenges
Author: Cheng Zong, Mengxi Xu, Li-Jia Xu, Ting Wei, Xin Ma, Xiao-Shan Zheng, Ren Hu, and Bin Ren*
: Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) inherits the rich chemical fingerprint information on Raman spectroscopy and gains sensitivity by plasmonenhanced excitation and scattering. In particular, most Raman peaks have a narrow width suitable for multiplex analysis, and the measurements can be conveniently made under ambient and aqueous conditions. These merits make SERS a very promising technique for studying complex biological systems, and SERS has attracted increasing interest in biorelated analysis. However, there are still great challenges that need to be addressed until it can be widely accepted by the biorelated communities, answer interesting biological questions, and solve fatal clinical problems. SERS applications in bioanalysis involve the complex interactions of plasmonic nanomaterials with biological systems and their environments. The reliability becomes the key issue of bioanalytical SERS in order to extract meaningful information from SERS data. This review provides a comprehensive overview of bioanalytical SERS with the main focus on the reliability issue. We first introduce the mechanism of SERS to guide the design of reliable SERS experiments with high detection sensitivity. We then introduce the current understanding of the interaction of nanomaterials with biological systems, mainly living cells, to guide the design of functionalized SERS nanoparticles for target detection. We further introduce the current status of label-free (direct) and labeled (indirect) SERS detections, for systems from biomolecules, to pathogens, to living cells, and we discuss the potential interferences from experimental design, measurement conditions, and data analysis. In the end, we give an outlook of the key challenges in bioanalytical SERS, including reproducibility, sensitivity, and spatial and time resolution.

Full Link:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00668