C72Cl4: A Pristine Fullerene with Favorable Pentagon-Adjacent Structure
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132 (48), pp 17102–17104, Publication Date : 2010
Author: Yuan-Zhi Tan, Ting Zhou, Jian Bao, Gui-Juan Shan, Su-Yuan Xie,* Rong-Bin Huang, and Lan-Sun Zheng
A long-sought empty non-IPR fullerene, C-#11188(72), which is more stable than the sole IPR isomer in the fullerene[72] family, has been retrieved and crystallographically characterized as (C72Cl4)-C-#11188. Mass spectrometric data support the facile dechlorination of (C72Cl4)-C-#11188 and, in turn, the possible stability of pristine C-#11188(72).