Research Highlights

Gating of Redox Currents at Gold Nanoelectrodes via DNA Hybridization

Publish Date:09.October 2010     Visted: Times       
Gating of Redox Currents at Gold Nanoelectrodes via DNA Hybridization
ADVANCED MATERIALS, 22( 19),  pp 2148-2150,  Publication Date : MAY 18 2010
Author: Gang Liu, Chunfeng Sun, Di Li, Shiping Song, Bingwei Mao, *Chunhai Fan,* and Zhongqun Tian
    DNA immobilized at the surface of cone-shaped gold nanoelectrodes provides a favorable platform for artificial ion channels that can gate the redox reaction of ferricyanide. This effect arises from the nanometer-scale curvature and the enhanced mass transfer at nanoelectrodes. The label-free feature based on this ion-channel effect provides a means to develop label-free electrochemical DNA sensors.