Research Highlights

[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.]Prof.Hai-Chao Xu, Prof Ting-bin Wen and Prof. Huijun Zhang’s groups published a paper entitled “Scalable Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Aryl C−H Phosphorylation Enabled by Anodic Oxidation Induced Reductive Elimination”

Publish Date:01.February 2020     Visted: Times       

Title:Scalable Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Aryl C−H Phosphorylation Enabled by Anodic Oxidation Induced Reductive Elimination

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. 2019, 58, 16770-16774



Zheng-jian Wu, Feng Su, Weidong Lin, Jinshuai Song, Ting-bin Wen*, Hui-jun Zhang*, Hai-Chao Xu*



Transition metal catalyzed CH phosphorylation remains an unsolved challenge. Reported methods are generally limited in scope and require stoichiometric silver salts as oxidants. Reported here is an electrochemically driven RhIIIcatalyzed aryl C−H phosphorylation reaction that proceeds through H2 evolution, obviating the need for stoichiometric metal oxidants. The method is compatible with a variety of aryl CH and P−H coupling partners and particularly useful for synthesizing triarylphosphine oxides from diarylphosphine oxides, which are often difficult coupling partners for transition metal catalyzed CH phosphorylation reactions. Experimental results suggest that the mechanism responsible for the C−P bond formation involves an oxidation‐induced reductive elimination process.


Published: 28August 2019


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