Research Highlights

[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Prof.Yong Yang’s group published a paper entitled “P2-Na0.67AlxMn1-xO2: cost-effective, stable and high-rate sodium electrodes by suppressing phase transitions and enhancing Na+ mobility”

Publish Date:01.February 2020     Visted: Times       

Title:P2-Na0.67AlxMn1-xO2: cost-effective, stable and high-rate sodium electrodes by suppressing phase transitions and enhancing Na+ mobility

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 18086-18095


Xiangsi Liu, WenhuaZuo, Bizhu Zheng, Yuxuan Xiang, Ke Zhou, Zhumei Xiao, Peizhao Shan, Jingwen Shi, Qi Li, Guiming Zhong*, Riqiang Fu, Yong Yang*


Sodium layered P2stacking Na0.67MnO2 materials have shown great promise for sodiumion batteries. However, the undesired Jahn–Teller effect of the Mn4+/Mn3+ redox couple and multiple biphasic structural transitions during charge/discharge of the materials lead to anisotropic structure expansion and rapid capacity decay. Herein, by introducing abundant Al into the transitionmetal layers to decrease the number of Mn3+, we obtain the low cost pure P2type Na0.67AlxMn1xO2 (x=0.05, 0.1 and 0.2) materials with high structural stability and promising performance. The Aldoping effect on the long/short range structural evolutions and electrochemical performances is further investigated by combining in situ synchrotron XRD and solidstate NMR techniques. Our results reveal that Al‐doping alleviates the phase transformations thus giving rise to better cycling life, and leads to a larger spacing of Na+ layer thus producing a remarkable rate capability of 96 mAh g1 at 1200 mA g1.

Published: 16Octorber 2019

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