Research Highlights

[Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.] Instantaneous Free Radical Scavenging by CeO2 Nanoparticles Adjacent to the Fe–N4 Active Sites for Durable Fuel Cells

Publish Date:07.July 2023     Visted: Times       

Instantaneous Free Radical Scavenging by CeO2 Nanoparticles Adjacent to the Fe–N4 Active Sites for Durable Fuel Cells

Authors: Xiao-Yang Cheng, Xiao-Tian Jiang, Shu-Hu Yin, Li-Fei Ji, Ya-Ni Yan, Guang Li, Rui Huang, Chong-Tai Wang, Hong-Gang Liao, Yan-Xia Jiang*, Shi-Gang Sun
