Research Highlights

[Journal of the American Chemical Society] Two Metastable Endohedral Metallofullerenes Sc2C2@C1(39656)-C82 and Sc2C2@C1(51383)-C84: Direct-C2-Insertion Products from Their Most Stable Precursors

Publish Date:27.July 2023     Visted: Times       

Two Metastable Endohedral Metallofullerenes Sc2C2@C1(39656)-C82 and Sc2C2@C1(51383)-C84: Direct-C2-Insertion Products from Their Most Stable Precursors

Authors: Yang-Rong Yao, Zuo-Chang Chen, Lingfang Chen, Shan-Yu Zheng, Shangfeng Yang, Shun-Liu Deng*, Luis Echegoyen*, Yuan-Zhi Tan*, Su-Yuan Xie, and Lan-Sun Zheng
