Research Highlights

Research Highlights

Growth and Shape-Ordering of Iron Nanostructures on Au Single Crystalline Electrodes in an Ionic Liquid: A Paradigm of Magnetostatic Coupling

Growth and Shape-Ordering of Iron Nanostructures on Au Single Crystalline Electrodes in an Ionic Liquid: A Paradigm of Magnetostatic Coupling JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132(23), ...

Gating of Redox Currents at Gold Nanoelectrodes via DNA Hybridization

Gating of Redox Currents at Gold Nanoelectrodes via DNA Hybridization ADVANCED MATERIALS, 22( 19), pp 2148-2150, Publication Date : MAY 18 2010 Author: Gang Liu, Chunfen...

Direct Electrodeposition of Tetrahexahedral Pd Nanocrystals with High-Index Facets and High Catalytic Activity for Ethanol Electrooxidation

Direct Electrodeposition of Tetrahexahedral Pd Nanocrystals with High-Index Facets and High Catalytic Activity for Ethanol Electrooxidation JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,Publication...

Solvent-Induced Transformation of Single Crystals of a Spin-Crossover (SCO) Compound to Single Crystals with Two Distinct SCO Centers

Solvent-Induced Transformation of Single Crystals of a Spin-Crossover (SCO) Compound to Single Crystals with Two Distinct SCO Centers JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132 (5), pp 1558–...

Direct, One-pot Sequential Reductive Alkylation of Lactams/Amides with Grignard and Organolithium Reagents through Lactam/Amide Activation

Direct, One-pot Sequential Reductive Alkylation of Lactams/Amides with Grignard and Organolithium Reagents through Lactam/Amide Activation ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 49, 1-5...

NATURE: Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy NATURE,464, 392-395 ,Published : 18 March 2010 Author: Jian Feng Li1, Yi Fan Huang1, Yong Ding2, Zhi Lin Yang1, Song Bo Li1, Xiao...