Research Highlights

Research Highlights

Nature Nanotechnology:Freestanding palladium nanosheets with plasmonic and catalytic properties

Freestanding palladium nanosheets with plasmonic and catalytic properties Nature Nanotechnology, Published online: 05 December 2010 Aut...

Pentagon-Fused Hollow Fullerene in C-78 Family Retrieved by Chlorination

Pentagon-Fused Hollow Fullerene in C-78 Family Retrieved by Chlorination JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132(36), p...

Anion complexation and sensing using modified urea and thiourea-based receptors

Anion complexation and sensing using modified urea and thiourea-based receptors CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, 39, pp3729-3745, Publica...

Size Differentiation and Absolute Quantification of Gold Nanoparticles via Single Particle Detection with a Laboratory-Built High-Sensitivity Flow Cytometer

Size Differentiation and Absolute Quantification of Gold Nanoparticles via Single Particle Detection with a Laboratory-Built High-Sensitivity Flow Cytometer JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOC...

Cu24O24Si8R8: Organic Soluble 56-Membered Copper(I) Siloxane Cage and Its Use in Homogeneous Catalysis

Cu24O24Si8R8: Organic Soluble 56-Membered Copper(I) Siloxane Cage and Its Use in Homogeneous Catalysis JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132(35), pp 12231-12233, Publication Date: SEP 8...

When the Signal Is Not from the Original Molecule To Be Detected: Chemical Transformation of para-Aminothiophenol on Ag during the SERS Measurement

When the Signal Is Not from the Original Molecule To Be Detected: Chemical Transformation of para-Aminothiophenol on Ag during the SERS Measurement JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132...