Research Highlights

Research Highlights

Pyrene-Excimer Probes Based on the Hybridization Chain Reaction for the Detection of Nucleic Acids in Complex Biological Fluids

Pyrene-Excimer Probes Based on the Hybridization Chain Reaction for the Detection of Nucleic Acids in Complex Biological Fluids ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION , 50 , 2, 401-404, Pub...

Do Molecular Conductances Correlate with Electrochemical Rate Constants? Experimental Insights

Do Molecular Conductances Correlate with Electrochemical Rate Constants? Experimental Insights JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY , 133 , 19, 7509-7516, Publication Date : MAY 18 2011 ...

Lanthanide-Coded Protease-Specific Peptide-Nanoparticle Probes for a Label-Free Multiplex Protease Assay Using Element Mass Spectrometry: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Lanthanide-Coded Protease-Specific Peptide-Nanoparticle Probes for a Label-Free Multiplex Protease Assay Using Element Mass Spectrometry: A Proof-of-Concept Study ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITI...

Electronic Properties and Desolvation Penalties of Metal Ions Plus Protein Electrostatics Dictate the Metal Binding Affinity and Selectivity in the Copper Efflux Regulator

Electronic Properties and Desolvation Penalties of Metal Ions Plus Protein Electrostatics Dictate the Metal Binding Affinity and Selectivity in the Copper Efflux Regulator JOURNAL OF THE AMERIC...

Luminescent Molecular Ag−S Nanocluster [Ag62S13(SBut)32](BF4)4

Luminescent Molecular Ag−S Nanocluster [Ag62S13(SBut)32](BF4)4 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132 (50), 17678–17679, Publication Date : 2010 Author: Gen Li, Zhen Lei, and Quan-Ming...

C72Cl4: A Pristine Fullerene with Favorable Pentagon-Adjacent Structure

C72Cl4: A Pristine Fullerene with Favorable Pentagon-Adjacent Structure JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 132 (48), pp 17102–17104, Publication Date : 2010 Author: Yuan-Zhi Tan, Ting Zhou, Ji...