2024- 副教授,厦门大学化学化工学院
2023-2024 副研究员,西湖大学工学院
2021-2023 量化研究员,花旗集团
2021-2021 博士后,牛津大学材料系 (合作导师: Peter Bruce教授)
2019-2020 博士后,剑桥大学化学系 (合作导师: Clare Grey教授 与 George Malliaras 教授)
2014-2018 博士,剑桥大学化学系(导师:Clare Grey教授)
2010-2014 学士,厦门大学化学化工学院,基础学科拔尖人才培养计划
2024 厦门大学“南强青年拔尖人才支持计划”
(1) Dongxun Lyu†, Yanting Jin†, Pieter C. M. M. Magusin, Simone Sturniolo, Evan Wenbo Zhao, Shunsuke Yamamoto, Scott T. Keene, George G. Malliaras, Clare P. Grey*. Nat. Mater. 2023, 22, 746–753. (共同一作)
(2) Yanting Jin, Nis Julian H. Kneusels, and Clare P. Grey*. NMR Study of the Degradation Products of Ethylene Carbonate in Silicon-Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10, 6345–6350.
(3) Yanting Jin, Nis-Julian H. Kneusels, Lauren E Marbella, Elizabeth Castillo-Martinez, Pieter C.M.M. Magusin, Robert S Weatherup, Erlendur Jonsson, Tao Liu, Subhradip Paul, and Clare P. Grey*. Understanding Fluoroethylene Carbonate and Vinylene Carbonate Based Electrolytes for Si Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries with NMR Spec- troscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 98549867.
(4) Yanting Jin, Nis-Julian H Kneusels, Pieter C.M.M. Magusin, Gunwoo Kim, Elizabeth Castillo-Martinez, Lauren E Marbella, Rachel N. Kerber, Duncan J. Howe, Subhradip Paul, Tao Liu, and Clare P. Grey*. Identifying the Structural Basis for the Increased Stability of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formed on Silicon with the Additive Flu- oroethylene Carbonate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017,42, 14992– 15004.