
发布日期:2013-03-10     浏览次数:次   

电话:(0592)2180337 (实验室)
电子邮箱: alina1222@xmu.edu.cn

美国宾州州立大学, 访问学者 (2013-2014)

1.单细胞分析及其在生命科学、生物医药、食品安全、环境监测领域中的应用;2. 致病菌的快速、灵敏、特异性检测技术;3. 化学生物学与功能蛋白质组学研究


  1. 1. He, SB; Hong, XY; Zhang, MM; Wu, LN; Yan, XM*.  Label-free Detection of Bacteria in Fruit Juice by Nano-flow Cytometry. Anal. Chem.,2020, 92, 2393-2400.

  2. 2. Wu, LN*; Zhang, MM; Song, YY; Deng, MF; He, SB; Su, LQ; Chen, Y; Wood, T. K.; Yan, XM*, Deciphering the Antitoxin-Regulated Bacterial Stress Response via Single-Cell Analysis, ACS Chem. Biol. 2019, 14, 2859-2866.

  3. 3. Tian, Y1; Gong, MF1; Hu,YY; Liu, HS; Zhang, WQ; Zhang, MM; Hu, XX; Aubert, D; Zhu, SB; Wu, LN; Yan, XM*. Quality and Efficiency Assessment of Six Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Methods by Nano-flow Cytometry. J. Extracell. Vesicles, 2019, 9, 1697028.

  4. 4. Tian, Y; Ma, L; Gong, MF; Su, GQ*, Zhu, SB; Zhang, WQ; Wang, S; Li ZB; Chen CX; Li, LH; Wu, LN; Yan, XM*, Protein Profiling and Sizing of Extracellular Vesicles from Colorectal Cancer Patients via Flow Cytometry, ACS Nano,2018, 12, 671-680.

  5. 5. Wu, LN; Wang, X; Zhang, JQ; Luan, T; Bouveret, E.; Yan, XM*, Flow Cytometric Single-Cell Analysis Enables Quantitative in vivo Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions via Relative Reporter Protein Expression Measurement, Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 2782-2789.

  6. 6. Ma, L; Zhu, SB; Tian, Y; Zhang, WQ; Wang, S; Chen, CX; Wu, LN; Yan, XM*, A Label-Free Analysis of Single Viruses with a Resolution Comparable to That of Electron Microscopy and the Throughput of Flow Cytometry, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 10239–10243.

  7. 7. Wu, LN; Song, YY; Luan, T; Ma, L; Su, LQ; Wang, S; Yan XM*, Specific Detection of Live Escherichia coliO157:H7 Using Tetracysteine-Tagged PP01 Bacteriophage, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2016, 86, 102-108.

  8. 8. Huang, TX; Zheng, Y; Yan, Y; Yang, LL; Yao, YH; Zheng, JX; Wu, LN; Wang, X; Chen, YQ; Xing, JC; Yan, XM*, Probing Minority Population of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Biosens. Bioelectron.2016, 80, 323-330.

  9. 9. Wu, LN; Wang, S; Song, YY; Wang, X; Yan, XM*. Applications and Challenges for Single-Bacteria Analysis by Flow Cytometry, Sci. China Chem. 2016, 59, 30-39.

  10. 10. Zhu, SB; Ma, L; Wang, S; Chen, CX; Zhang, WQ; Yang, LL; Hang, W; Nolan, J. P.; Wu, LN; Yan, XM*, Light-Scattering Detection below the Level of Single Fluorescent Molecules for High-Resolution Characterization of Functional Nanoparticles. ACS Nano,2014, 8, 10998-11006.

  11. 11. Wu, LN; Luan, T; Yang, XT; Wang, S; Zheng, Y; Huang, TX; Zhu, SB; Yan, XM*, Trace Detection of Specific Viable Bacteria Using Tetracysteine-tagged Bacteriophages, Anal. Chem.2014, 86, 907-912.

  12. 12. Wu, LN; Huang, TT; Yang, LL; Pan, JB; Zhu, SB; Yan, XM*. Sensitive and Selective Bacterial Detection Using Tetracysteine-tagged Phages in Conjunction with BiarsenicalDye. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2011,50,5873-5877.

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