
发布日期:2019-09-12     浏览次数:次   




  • 2019.07-至今     厦门大学化学化工学院    教授、博士生导师

  • 2016.01-2019.07 美国新墨西哥大学化工系         研究助理教授

  • 2011.05-2015.12 美国新墨西哥大学化工系         博士后

  • 2009.01-2011.05 南非金山大学化学系                博士后

  • 2005.09-2009.07 苏州大学材料与化学学部         博士

  • 1998.09-2005.07 中南民族大学材料与化学学院    本科及硕士


  • 2019 国家高层次青年人

  • 2011 南非SPARC奖

多相催化; 合成气及天然气催化; 单原子及簇催化;新型固体催化材料


  1. 1. D. Kunwar, S. Zhou, A. DeLaRiva, E.J. Peterson, H.F. Xiong, X.I. Pereira-Hernández, S.C. Purdy, R.T. Veen, H.H. Brongersma, J.T. Miller, H. Hashiguchi, L. Kovarik, S. Lin, H. Guo, Y. Wang, A.K. Datye, ACS Catal. 2019, 9, 3978-3990.

  2. 2. X. I. Pereira-Hernández, A. DeLaRiva, V. Muravev, D. Kunwar, H.F. Xiong, B. Sudduth, M. Engelhard, L. Kovarik, E.J.M. Hensen, Y. Wang, A.K. Datye,Nat. Commu. 2019, 10, 1358.

  3. 3. J.P. Hong*, J. Du, B. Wang, Y.H. Zhang, C.C. Liu, H.F. Xiong*, F.L. Sun, S.F. Chen, J.L. Li*, Plasma-assisted Preparation of Highly Dispersed Cobalt Catalysts for Enhanced Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Performance, ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 6177-6185 (Co-corresponding author).

  4. 4.H.F. Xiong, M.H. Wiebenga , C. Carrillo, J. Gaudet, H.N. Pham, D. Kunwar, S.H. Oh, G.S. Qi, C.H. Kim, A.K. Datye, Design considerations for low-temperature hydrocarbon oxidation reactions on Pd based catalysts, Appl. Catal. B, 2018, 236, 436-444.

  5. 5. Y. Fu, Y. Jiang*, D. Dunphy, H.F. Xiong, E. Coker, S. Chou, H.X. Zhang, J.M. Vanegas, J.L. Cecchi, S.B. Rempe, C.J. Brinker*. Ultra-thin, enzymatic, nano-stabilized water membrane for CO2 separation, Nat. Commu. 2018, 9, 1-12.

  6. 6. L. Nie+, D.H. Mei+, H.F. Xiong+, B. Peng, Z.B. Ren, X.I.P. Hernandez, A. DeLaRiva, M. Wang, M.H. Engelhard, L. Kovarik, A.K. Datye*, Y. Wang*, Activation of surface lattice oxygen in single atom Pt/Ceria for low temperature CO oxidation. Science, 2017, 358, 1419-1423 (Co-first author).

  7. 7.H.F. Xiong, S. Lin, J. Goetze, H. Guo, L. Kovarik, K. Artyushkova, B.M. Weckhuysen, A.K. Datye, Thermally-stable and regenerable sub-nanometer Pt-Sn particles supported on CeO2 for selective propane dehydrogenation, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 8986-8991.

  8. 8. C. Carrillo, A. DeLaRiva, H.F. Xiong, E.J. Peterson,  M.N. Spilde, D. Kunwar, R.S. Goeke, M. Wiebenga, S.H. Oh, G. Qi, S.R. Challa, A.K. Datye, Regenerative Trapping: How Pd Improves the Durability of Pt Diesel Oxidation Catalysts, Appl. Catal. B, 2017, 218, 518-590.

  9. 9. L. Wei, Y.X. Zhao, Y.H. Zhang, C.C Liu, J.P. Hong, Q. Xiao, H.F. Xiong*, J.L. Li*, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis bifunctional catalysts: Cobalt supported on 3D mesoporous cellular silica foams assembled by ZSM-5 seed, ChemCatChem, 2017, 9, 3895-3903(Co-corresponding author).

  10. 10.H.F. Xiong, K. Lester, T. Ressler, R. Schl?gl, L.F. Allard, A.K. Datye*, Metastable Pd?PdO structures during high temperature methane oxidation, Catal. Lett. 2017, (Perspective article), 147, 1095-1103.

  11. 11. J.Jones+, H.F. Xiong+, A. DeLariva, E. Peterson, H. Pham, S. Challa, G.X. Qi, S. Oh, M. Weibenga, X.I.P. Hernández, Y. Wang and A.K.Datye, Thermally stable single atom platinum on ceria catalysts via atom trapping, Science, 2016, 353, 150-154 (Co-first author).

  12. 12. L. Wei, Y.X. Zhao, Y.H. Zhang, C.C Liu, J.P. Hong, H.F. Xiong*, J.L. Li*, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a 3D foamed MCF silica support:toward a more open porous network of cobalt catalysts, J. Catal, 2016, 340, 205-218 (Co-corresponding author).

  13. 13.H.F. Xiong, E. Peterson, G.S. Qi, A.K. Datye, Trapping mobile Pt species by PdO in diesel oxidation catalysts: Smaller is better, Catal. Today, 2016, 272, 80-86.

  14. 14.H.F. Xiong, T.J. Schwartz, N.I. Andersen, J.A. Dumesic, A.K. Datye, Graphitic-carbon layers on oxides: towards stable heterogeneous catalysts for biomass conversion reactions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 7939-7943.

  15. 15.H.F. Xiong*, L.L. Linda, N.J. Coville*, Shaped Carbons As Supports for the Catalytic Conversion of Syngas to Clean Fuels, ACS Catal., 2015, 5 (4), 2640-2658 (Review, Co-Corresponding author).

  16. 16.H.F. Xiong, M.A.M. Motchelaho, M. Moyo, L.L. Linda, N.J. Coville, Effect of Group I alkali metal promoters on Fe/CNT catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Fuel, 2015, 150, 687-696.

  17. 17.H.F. Xiong, H.N. Pham, A.K. Datye, Hydrothermally stable heterogeneous catalysts for conversion of biorenewables, Green Chem., 2014, 16, 4627-4643 (Critical Review, Cover art).

  18. 18. C. Carrillo, T.R. Johns, H.F. Xiong, A. DeLaRiva, S.R. Challa, R.S. Goeke, K. Artyushkova, W. Li, C.H. Kim, A.K. Datye, Trapping of Mobile Pt Species by PdO Nanoparticles under Oxidizing Conditions, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (12), 2089-2093.

  19. 19.H.F. Xiong, M.A.M. Motchelaho, M. Moyo, L.L. Linda, N.J. Coville*, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Iron-based catalysts supported on nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes synthesized by post-doping, Appl. Catal., 2014, 482, 377-386.

  20. 20.H.F. Xiong, M.A.M. Motchelaho, M. Moyo, L.L. Linda, N.J. Coville*, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Iron catalysts supported on N-doped carbon spheres prepared by chemical vapor deposition and hydrothermal approaches, J. Catal, 2014, 311, 80-87.

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