报告一:The Stereochemical Space of Peptides
报告时间:2024-07-04 09:00
报告人: Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Reymond
Peptides offer an endless diversity of possible variations to design bioactive compounds. While biosynthetic approaches are limited by the genetic code, the chemical synthesis of peptide synthesis opens many additional opportunities for design such as varying residue types, stereochemistry, and peptide chain topology. In my group we have adapted small molecule cheminformatics tools such as molecular fingerprints to enable the exploration of this expanded peptide chemical space and use these methods to guide the discovery of new bioactive peptides in the area of antimicrobial, anticancer, immunomodulatory and transfection reagents. Most recently we focused on the issue of residue chirality. I will discuss methods to handle chirality computationally, how this parameter expands chemical space, and how it can be used to discover new peptides with surprising properties.
瑞士国家终身教授,博士生导师,国际著名多肽药物化学家,瑞士国家竞争力中心副主任,欧洲科学技术合作项目糖肽药物化学副主席,英国皇家化学会著名期刊Chem. Comm.副主编,瑞士伯尔尼大学化学与生物学院院长,上海胜普泽泰医药科技有限公司首席科学家。其研究领域包括基于人工智能及大数据筛选的多肽药物设计,其理论Chemical Space(化学空间)在领域内具有突破性发现,论文刊登在Nature、Science等期刊发表论文超过360篇,总引用次数超过7500次,其多项新药成果与国际制药巨头诺华、罗氏等公司合作并进行成果转化。
报告二:Navigating Chemical Space: Accelerating Drug Discovery with Computational Design
报告时间:2024-07-04 10:00
报告人: Dr. Sacha Javor
The chemical space, encompassing all possible molecular structures, offers a vast landscape for drug discovery. At Space Peptides, we employ computational design to efficiently navigate this space, identifying bioactive compounds with precision. Our in-house tools allow us to explore chemical space in-silico, significantly reducing the time required for discovery. This presentation will showcase examples of bioactive compounds discovered through our computational pipeline, followed by synthesis and testing. By integrating computational predictions with experimental validation, we enhance the efficiency and success rate of drug candidate identification. In this talk, we will explore how mastering chemical space accelerates the drug discovery process and leads to innovative therapeutic solutions.
Javor博士是瑞士伯尔尼大学(UniBe)两家衍生公司Space Pharmaceuticals AG和GDB space AG的首席技术官,同时作为伯尔尼大学的讲师,教授化学生物学和数据科学。Javor博士在洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)获得化学本科学位,师从Schlosser教授,并在伯尔尼大学的Reymond实验室获得有机化学博士学位。在拉霍亚斯克里普斯研究所(Scripps Research)与Rebek教授进行了数年的超分子化学博士后研究,并与Janda教授进行了数年的化学生物学博士后研究后,Javor博士回到了伯尔尼大学。Javor博士在多肽、化学生物学和药物发现领域发表了许多论文,他目前的研究集中在开发新的化学信息学方法和概念上,尤其热衷于设计生物活性化合物,并将这些创新方法从学术界转化为工业界。
报告三:AI-driven lab for materials: towards peptides
报告时间:2024-07-04 10:30
报告人: 洪文晶 教授,化学化工学院
洪文晶,国家高层次人才、厦门大学化学化工学院副院长、嘉庚创新实验室副主任、化学化工学院、材料学院和人工智能研究院教授,博士生导师,国际界面科学经典期刊Langmuir高级编辑。主要从事分子电子器件、电子化学材料和材料科学智能等交叉学科研究,在Nature Mater.、Nature Chemistry、Nature Catalysis等国际顶尖期刊发表论文100余篇,总引用一万余次。组织跨学科团队建设了我国乃至世界首个聚焦高分子材料无人智能合成、表征和自主迭代研发的材料科学智能研发实验系统,以及亚洲首座对振动、声学、电磁等干扰充分隔绝、相关指标达国际领先水平的无噪声超精密加工与表征实验室,主持与华为、宁德时代、中化、瓮福等合作的多个千万级校企联合研发中心和联合研发项目。获中国化学会青年化学奖、宝钢优秀教师奖等。