卢嘉锡讲座:Computer-aided design of sulphide nano-catalysts for CO2 conversion

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

题 目:      Computer-aided design of sulphide nano-catalysts for CO2 conversion

报告人:    Prof. Nora De Leeuw英国卡迪夫大学副校长

时 间:      2015年01月23日(星期五) 15:15
地 点:      化四112

Prof.Nora De Leeuw简历





1994年 开放大学(Open University)物理化学学士

1997年 巴斯大学(University of Bath) 化学博士

1997-2000年巴斯大学 博士后研究员

2000-2002年 雷丁大学(University of Reading) 化学系 物理化学讲师

2002-2007 英国工程和自然科学研究委员会高级研究员 伦敦大学伯贝克学院(Birkbeck College London) 晶体学院

2004-2014 伦敦大学学院(University College London) 《计算材料学》杂志审稿人









Professor Nora De Leeuw

Professor De Leeuw is Pro-Vice Chancellor (Vice President) for International and Europe with responsibility for developing Cardiff University’s International Partnerships and Research Co-operation.


BSc(Hons) Chemistry with Physics 1994. Open University

PhD 1997. School of Chemistry , University of Bath . Title of thesis "Atomistic Simulation of the Structure and Stability of Hydrated Mineral Surfaces" Supervisor, Professor Steve Parker

1997-2000. Postdoctoral Research Fellow. School of Chemistry , University of Bath

2000-2002. Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Reading

2002-2007. EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow, School of Crystallography ,Birkbeck College London

2004-2014 Reader of Computational Materials Science, University College London 

Research Interests

Computer Modelling of Bio-Material Interfaces

Surface reactivity of complex oxides and mixed metal-oxide catalysts、

Formation of Ionic Thin Films at Metal Surfaces

Crystal Nucleation, Growth and Dissolution

The organic/inorganic interface