卢嘉锡讲座:Innovative benign by design methodologies: from nanomaterials to heteroegenous catalysis and biomass/waste valorization(Rafael Luque)

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

题 目:    Innovative benign by design methodologies: from nanomaterials to heteroegenous catalysis and biomass/waste valorization


讲座人:   Prof. Rafael Luque  University of Cordoba


时 间:    01月13日(周二)10:00


地 点:    卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)







Rafael Luque

Rafael Luque (Ph.D 2005 from Universidad de Cordoba, Spain) has a significant experience on biomass and waste valorisation practises to materials, fuels and chemicals as well as nanoscale chemistry adquired over the past 10 years after spending a 3-year postdoctoral placement in the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at the University of York with Prof. James Clark. He has also extensively published in the areas of (nano)materials science, heterogeneous (nano)catalysis, microwave and flow chemistry, biofuels and green chemical methods in synthetic organic chemistry. From 2009, he has been Ramon y Cajal Fellow at UCO in Spain and spend sabbatical periods at the EPA at Cincinnati (with Dr. Rajender Varma), at the Max Planck in Berlin (with Prof. Markus Antonietti) and City University of Hong Kong (with Dr. Carol Lin).

He has published over 250 research articles, filed 3 patent applications and edited 7 books as well as numerous contributions to book chapters and invited, guest, keynote and plenary lectures in scientific events worldwide. He is also heavily involved in Chemical Education and promoting Science in Developing Countries. Prof. Luque is also member of the Editorial Advisory Board of prestigious journals including Chemical Society Reviews (RSC), Catalysis Communications (Elsevier), Current Organic Synthesis (Bentham Publishers), Sustainable Chemical Processes (Chemistry Central) and Current Green Chemistry (Bentham Publishers) as well as Editor-in-Chief of the Porous section of the journal Materials and Series Editor of Topics in Current Chemistry (Springer).

Among recent awards, Rafael has received the Marie Curie Prize from Instituto Andaluz de Quimica Fina in Spain (2011), the Green Talents award from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Germany (2011), the TR35 Spain from Technology Review and MIT as one of the top 10 young entrepreneurs in Spain (2012) and very recently the RSC Environment, Sustainability and Energy Early Career Award (2013) from the Royal Society of Chemistry UK.

Rafael has also been recently honored as 2013 Distinguished Engineering Fellow and Visiting Professor from CBME at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong and currently Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry.

Prof. Luque combines his academic duties with his activities as young entrepreneur after co‑founding the spin-off companies Starbon® Technologies at York, UK  which markets novel biomass derived carbonaceous materials and Green Applied Solutions S.L. in Cordoba, Spain (2012) as a R&D and consultancy technological company on waste valorization to marketable products and more recently Posidonia Oceanica S.L. (2013, www.posidoniaoceanica.com), in Spain.


Innovative benign by design methodologies: from nanomaterials to heteroegenous catalysis and biomass/waste valorization

Rafael Luque

The design of benign and environmentally sound methodologies has been the driving force of scientsis in recent years. Attractive and innovative protocols that nowadays are even part of industrial ventures including biomass-derived porous carbonaceous materials, biodiesel integrating glycerol into its composition and more recently gasification and waste valorisation have been recently developed in our group in past years. These topics have extensively covered the preparation and design of (nano)materials and their utilisation in heterogeneously catalysed processes as well as in biomass and  waste valorisation practises.


In this lecture, we aim to provide an overview of recent efforts from our group on biorefinery concepts entailing biomass and waste valorisation of forestry and food residues (e.g. lignin, orange peel) as well as algal valorisation to high added value products and biofuels. Towards the end of the lecture, we will highlight personal experiences as young entrepreneur co-founder of Starbon Technologies Ltd at York (UK) and Green Applied Solutions S.L. in Cordoba (Spain) in our aim to stimulate and promote entrepreneurial activities within the academic and student community.