学院讲座:On-demand sensors: From benign, universal to extreme Monitoring(Mian Jiang)

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

题 目:    On-demand sensors: From benign, universal to extreme Monitoring


讲座人:   Dr. Mian Jiang

              The University of Houston


时 间:    2014年12月24日(周三) 下午15:30


地 点:    卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)







Brief CV:

Mian Jiang, associate professor, obtained his Ph.D. from Wuhan University in 1991. He had the postdoctoral training in  Northwestern University (USA)  and New Mexico State University (USA)respectively.  He had been the faculty members in US institutions including Drury University and East Tennessee State University. He joined  the University of Houston in 2005.  Dr. Jiang’s field is sensory chemistry.As the principal or co-principal investigators,  He  has been  conducting grants sponsored by US federal and private foundation agencies  including NASA, NSF, DoE, DoED, NRC, EPA, Department of Commerce, SACP, and Welch Foundation respectively. In all of these projects, students were highly involved for their high-impact educational experience. The results were published in 50 papers  in Langmuir, Analytical Chemistry, Journal of American Chemical Society, and others. Dr. Jiang was the winner of Ronald Belcher Memorial Award of Talanta and the university Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, respectively.





On-demand sensors:  From benign, universal to extreme Monitoring

 Benign and extreme sensing are drastically different and demand tailored sensors for cause. Using ex situ and in situtechniques we have developed thick and thin film fabrication protocols respectively.  The precursors employed range from  conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes,  to metal/metal alloy/metal oxides, coordination compounds, and biocomposite.  With these designs, some sensing events were found to offer the total determination of species of the same kinds, while others shed specific responding insights toward targets in the extraordinary environment including  extreme pH, temperature, and pressure.