卢嘉锡讲座:Water Splitting on Some Heterogeneous Photocatalysts(Prof. Kazunari Domen)

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

题 目:      Water Splitting on Some Heterogeneous Photocatalysts

报告人:    Kazunari Domen


时 间:      2014年10月26日(星期日) 上午10:00

地 点:      卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



KazunariDomen教授1982年于东京大学获博士学位,随后受聘为东京工业大学助理教授,1985-1986年于IBM Almaden 研究中心进行博士后研究,1996年受聘为东京工业大学教授,2004年受聘为东京大学教授。Domen教授主要致力于光解水制氢、异相催化反应红外光谱、非线性激光光谱对表面反应动力学等领域的研究,并取得了一系列接触成绩,在Nature, Nature Materials, JACS等国际杂志上发表了400余篇学术论文,80余篇学术综述文章。

Domen教授受邀担任“第176届法拉第讨论会:新一代能源化学材料国际学术会议”(Faraday Discussion 176: International Conference on the Next-Generation Materials for Energy Chemistry, 27-29 October 2014, Xiamen)的科学委员会成员(FD176 Scientific Committee Member)。






附 - 报告摘要:


Water Splitting on Some Heterogeneous Photocatalysts


Department of Cheical System Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan



Photocatalytic water splitting under sunlight has been studied as a means of large-scale production of renewable hydrogen. It is necessary to harvest long-wavelength visible light to achieve sufficient solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies with reasonable quantum efficiencies. The author has studied the water splitting reaction on various forms of semiconductor photocatalysts under visible light illumination. In thistalk, recent progress in the photocatalyticwater splitting reaction is presented.


Some (oxy)nitride semiconductors have band gap the potential of which is suitable for overall water splitting under visible light. (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) and ZrO2-modified TaON are representative examples.However, their potential for solar energy conversion is limited because their absorption edge wavelengths are shorter than 500 nm. Recently, it was found that LaMg1/3Ta2/3O2N could be activated in the overall water splitting reaction under visible light irradiation up to approximately 600 nm by appropriate surface modifications to suppress the self-oxidation.


Z-scheme systemscan utilize visible light efficiently because the energy required to drive each photocatalyst can be lowered compared with the overall water splitting reaction. A major challenge in developing high-performing Z-scheme systems lies in ensuring efficient transfer of electrons between two different photocatalystswithout deteriorating their intrinsic photocatalytic properties.Recently, it was found that a Z-scheme system consisting of a hydrogen evolution photocatalystand an oxygen evolution photocatalyst immobilized onto a metal thin layer for electron transportshowed significantly higherphotocatalytic activity for overall water splitting than aconventional powder suspension system.The newly-developed solid-state Z-scheme deviceoffers an advanced concept to overcome limitations of the earlier Z-scheme systems.