学术讲座:Linear and Nonlinear Block Copolymers: from Synthesis and Self-assembly to Applications

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   
报告题目:Linear and Nonlinear Block Copolymers: from Synthesis and Self-assembly to Applications

报告人:  林志群 教授

时    间:    6月27日(周五) 晚上19:10-21:00
地    点:    卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)



林志群教授简介:His research focuses on polymer-based nanocomposites, block copolymers, polymer blends, conjugated polymers, quantum dots (rods, tetrapods and wires), functional nanocrystals (metallic, magnetic, semiconducting, ferroelectric, multiferroic, upconversion and thermoelectric) of different architectures (plain, core/shell, hollow and Janus), solar cells (organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells and dye sensitized solar cells), hierarchically structured and assembled materials, and surface and interfacial properties. He has published more than 130 peer reviewed journal articles (with an h-index of 39), 4 book chapters, and 2 books. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Materials Chemistry A, and an editorial advisory board member for Nanoscale. He is a recipient of Frank J. Padden Jr. Award in Polymer Physics from American Physical Society, an NSF Career Award, a 3 M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, and an invited participant at the National Academy of Engineering’s 2010 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.