学术讲座题目:From Chiral Surfaces to Heterogeneous Bimetallic Catalysts: New Perspectives on Old Problems(Prof. Gary Attard )

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   
题 目: From Chiral Surfaces to Heterogeneous Bimetallic Catalysts: New Perspectives  on Old Problems
讲座人: Prof. Gary Attard
              Professor of Electrochemical Surface Science and Deputy Head of School, Cardiff University, UK
时 间: 2014年3月11日(星期二)
            上午9:30 - 11:00
地 点: 卢嘉锡楼二楼报告厅(202)

Gary Attard is Professor of Electrochemical Surface  Science at Cardiff University and is presently Deputy Head of School. He obtained his PhD in surface science under the supervision of Prof. Sir David King FRS in 1987 from Liverpool University followed by a two and a half year period working as a PDRA for Prof. Roger Parsons FRS at Southampton University where he used his knowledge of UHV techniques to investigate electrode surfaces. After this, he was appointed to a lecturship at Cardiff University and was promoted to his present position in 1999. During this period, he  developed a strong interest in all aspects of gas-solid and liquid-solid interfaces, particularly well-defined bimetallic surfaces, electrosorption phenomena and heterogeneous catalysis. His recent research interests include enantioselective catalytic reactions, polymer adsorption, nanoparticle synthesis, oxygen reduction and polymer electrolyte fuel cell reactions in general. In particular, the study of nanoparticle-forming bacteria and their genetic modification has facilitated the synthesis of new and novel materials for catalysis. In the lecture, which will be wide ranging, a number of the areas highlighted above will be discussed.